Saturday, May 2, 2015

Quick Review of 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'

Now THIS is how you start the summer movie season with a bang! Not like what Iron Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 failed to do after 2012's The Avengers! Don't understand what with all the comments are saying that it was such a "big disappointment"? I thought it was JUST AS GOOD AS THE PREDECESSOR! Much better than even Iron Man 2-3 and Thor 2! Ultron is a much more dangerous villain than even Loki, Aldrich Killian, Malekith, Ivan Vanko/Whiplash, and Ronan! As always, the chemistry between these Avengers (Robert Downey, Jr. Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and, Mark Ruffalo) is just perfect and has a nice touch with the sense of humor than in the 1st! But the most best of all is that Jeremy Renner has a much bigger role, expanded character development, and clearly stole the scenes that involves him making hilarious sarcastic jokes, just the way his Hawkeye character needed to be after being a mindless slave to Loki during the 1st hour before the Battle of New York! James Spader, I thought, is very intimidating as the cold-calculative sentient robot Ultron who wants to "bring peace" to the world. Love how he brings up like the concept of Noah's Ark when explaining the whole human extinction plot. And the way that he creepily sings the "There Are No Strings On Me" song from Disney's Pinocchio as though it was inspiration on his belief that no one, especially Tony, can control Ultron. Just what I've been expecting to hear from him after viewing the first trailer last year. What also makes Ultron an even bigger threat to the Avengers is that rather than destroying them quickly, he tends to use the Maximoff twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to "tear them apart" by building up even greater tensions among the team. Now THAT was an evil scheme than what Loki had planned! While I still enjoyed the Avengers' fight with the Chitauri aliens a lot more, love that there was a much bigger suspense that involves the Avengers making tough decisions of how to save the city of Sokovia without resulting in multiple human casualties (which happened before in Man of Steel) before next thing they know… the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier arrives with Nick Fury at their command and WAR MACHINE (not Iron Patriot, this time!) as their backup! But the saddest thing that's eve happened before Ultron's defeat by Scarlet Witch and Vision's hands was the death of… Quicksilver, who gave his life saving Hawkeye and the poor helpless kid. So I'm intrigued to see how Wanda/Scarlet Witch will cope with her twin brother's death in the next upcoming films.
So it looks like we now have a new set of Avengers after Iron Man and Hawkeye left the team, Thor heading back to Asgard to seek answers on the Infinity Stones, and the Hulk banishing himself to space piloting a Quinjet (maybe even encountering the Guardians of the Galaxy - Planet Hulk-style!). Captain America (my favorite Avenger) and Black Widow are still with us, but joining the New Avengers are: War Machine, Falcon, Vision, and Scarlet Witch! Though I hate how just after Cap says "Avengers..", I was kinda expecting him to say "assemble" before next thing I know, the end credits roll. During the mid-credits scene however, an Infinity Gauntlet (without the 6 stones) can be seen being wielded by Thanos while declaring "Fine. I'll do it myself". This had me excited to see how the Avengers can deal with what might be the "best MCU villain of all time" in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (Pt 1 in 2018, and Pt 2 in 2019)! This was like the greatest Marvel movie experience I've ever had this year! The Fantastic Four reboot (good or not) will have a tough time impressing us with the questionable casting even with better effects and a "perfect tone"! I'm more excited to see one more Phase 2 movie Ant-Man! Keep it going Marvel! 'Cause I am ready!

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