Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Fantastic Four Movies Should Go Back to Marvel! Scrap the Reboot Plan!

Seven years we hardly had a Fantastic Four movie. SEVEN YEARS! What is Fox thinking about keeping the Fantastic Four rights just by makin a reboot, already scheduled for next summer!? Look at the box office gross of F4: Rise of the Silver Silver (only $289 million worldwide on a $130 million budget) compared to the 1st one ($330 million on a $100 million budget) back in 2005! And why plan a sequel already for 2017 when it's obvious no one's going to appreciate Josh Trank's new vision of the Fantastic Four!? Since the delay was so long between ROTSS and the F4 reboot, I think the F4 rights should have gone back to Marvel/Disney already! That way, we could have a more proper Fantastic Four movie (set in the world of Avengers), and the Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer (his overall origins and source of power, I mean) and Galactus (needs to be portrayed NOT AS A GIANT CLOUD!) characters done right!

Once I learn that the Human Torch, brother of the Invisible Woman (CAUCASIAN WHITE!), is being played by fellow Chronicle star Michael B. Jordan (a BLACK person!) and that the F4 reboot will have a "found-footage feel" (similar to Josh Trank's 2012 sleeper hit Chronicle), I suddenly have extreme mixed feelings. While the 1st 2 Fantastic Four films from Barbershop and Ride Along director Tim Story are not that great, I think the casting of the 4 cosmic radiately-powered heroes (Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans (CAPTAIN AMERICA!), and Michael Chiklis) are MUCH BETTER than the so-so casting of their reboot counterparts (Miles Teller (hmmm), Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan (boo!), and Jamie Bell (huh!?))! Regardless if the reboot is likely based on the Ultimate Fantastic Four comics! But come on! While their acting is okay, at least the Tim Story version of the heroic foursome GREATLY RESEMBLED the Fantastic Four comic book/animated show characters compared to their Josh Trank selves! Especially Michael Chiklis, who I think has the best physique and resemblance of Ben Grimm/The Thing unlike Jamie Bell who just felt a little too scrawny to be the Thing even with a little help of motion-capture and CGI! Now for Johnny Storm, A.K.A. the Human Torch, he was a lot better as a WHITE person! Big mistake changing the hot flamin show-off by letting Michael B. Jordan sign up for this! We don't care if Josh Trank had fun with this young African-American in their first breakout movie! Now how are Johnny and Susan going to be REAL siblings!? Chris Evans will forever remain to be the best Human Torch besides being a great Captain America! Flame on! Kate Mara, the sister of Rooney Mara, seemed beautiful enough to be Susan Storm who can turn invisible and create force fields. She's the only star that I don't mind since she's almost like her comic book character. Just as long as she does better than the oh-so-pretty Jessica Alba who almost won a Razzie for Worst Movie Actress. Miles Teller, I don't know. He's a little too chubby to be Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic. I doubt that the star of The Spectacular Now and Divergent has the scientific 
personality and the look of Ioan Gruffudd's stretchable team leader of the Fantastic Four. For Dr. Doom, Toby Kebbell appears to be a decent actor since Wrath of the Titans and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but is he going to be better than Julian McMahon's Dr. Doom character (he could have been more threatening without his cheesy voice)? The reboot had better not ruin the image of the Fantastic superhero quartet!

I hope that once the Fantastic Four reboot comes out next year on August 7th, it will probably perform LESS in between Fantastic Four 1 and 2 (pulling a "franchise fatigue" stunt since the Spider-Man/Amazing Spider-Man films) due to the initial mixed fan reactions to the reboot's overall concept! No matter how much money it makes whether its budget is higher/lower than the original F4 films' budgets of $100 million and $130 million or how it better performs overseas, fans might still say NO to another Fantastic Four movie like Fox is just attempting to "milk the franchise" until it's dried out. If the critical and/or financial results are disappointing at most in every film, Josh Trank and Fox would have no choice but to CANCEL production for any more Fantastic Four reboot sequels despite one being scheduled for June 9th, 2017 already! Fox is much better off owning just the X-Men after losing the rights to Daredevil (a new 13-episode Netflix TV series of the "Man Without Fear" is being made for Marvel) 2 years ago! The X-Men movies (now up to 7 films (if you count 2 Wolverine films) with a grand total of over $3 billion!) are more known to fans than Fantastic Four, anyway.

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