Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Top 5 Suggested New Directors for 'Transformers 5' after Michael Bay

Now, I understand that not everybody appreciates Michael Bay (already inducted in the Transformers Hall of Fame since 2011) for his vision on the Transformers franchise. But you gotta admit that the only good thing I like about him is the way he handled the action scenes. Except that he could've at least taken the story or characters a bit more seriously. Considering that he won a Razzie Award for Worst Director in Revenge of the Fallen. In my opinion, he shouldn't have rushed the ending in the 3rd TF film just because he wanted to do Pain & Gain immediately (I take it as a "poor excuse"). He should know that the 4th one will be made anyway when HE KNEW that it was going to be a bigger hit than TF 1 & 2. What was he thinking that Dark of the Moon is the "final TF installment"? However according to a source I found (, Bay said that Transformers: Age of Extinction (out til June 27th) will be his "last TF film" (which he had stated MANY TIMES before!) and let someone else take over his directing job. If what he says is true, then that should be fine with us! So in order to make a GOOD Transformers movie sequel, we'll need a director who has an experience with action movies, who knows how to better handle the concept without putting in anything distracting (like the over-the-top "funny" humor) that might upset us, who knows how to be consistent with Michael Bay's action-packed tone EXCEPT in a more mature way this time. But what if Paramount still wants to keep Bay because they "enjoyed" having him as director? If Age of Extinction is a huge success, what if they'll just turn down Bay's denial to return for the fifth one and continue to upset fans forevermore? Even worse, Bay'll probably change his mind about "leaving the TF franchise" (seriously MBay, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!) and actually DID direct TF5!?
The top 5 new directors (so far) that I believe will do a much better job directing Transformers 5 than Michael Bay are:

1. Justin Lin (Fast & Furious 3-6)

2. Peter Berg (BattleshipLone Survivor)

3. Rian Johnson (BrickLooper)

4. José Padilha (Elite SquadRoboCop)

5. Doug Liman (The Bourne IdentityEdge of Tomorrow)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Quick Review of 'The LEGO Movie'

Last night, I watched The LEGO Movie with my mom and dad at Fairfax Corner. I have to say, in the words of Emmett… AWESOME! This is like no other CGI-animated LEGO Movie! Except this time, the characters look MORE THAN JUST "CGI characters"! They look VERY REAL, like this could've been a stop-motion animated movie (except it would take like days, weeks, months or years, etc.!)! Unlike the 4 Bionicle movies and the Ninjago TV series! I believe this is like now my favorite animated movie of 2014 and deserves an Oscar nomination!
The humor is well-done and ridiculously laugh-out-loud funny! The voice acting is cleverly handled perfectly! Chris Pratt is so funny as Emmett! Now I can see why my sister and my parents think he is hilarious in the NBC TV show Parks & Recreation! He is definitely on the right track to become a recognizable star before his next film Guardians of the Galaxy this summer! Especially the bada** Will Arnett as everyone's favorite DC hero Batman! "I only work in black! And sometimes very, very dark gray!" Oh, and don't forget Charlie Day as Benny the 1980s space guy! He is SOOOOO GOSHDARN FUNNY!!! "Spaceship! Spaceship!" I officially like Charlie Day now after seeing him as Art in Monsters University and Newt Geiszler in Pacific Rim! And this movie's got many Lego characters on the big screen as a major role or a cameo! I am so glad that I bought almost every Lego toy figure that appeared in this movie! Especially Superman (Channing Tatum) and Wonder Woman (Cobie Smulders)! But there are some amazing twists and surprises that I didn't expect, regarding what the entire Lego world was like outside and the purpose of the "Piece of Resistance"!
Thanks to the $69 million opening record, I cannot wait to expect the LEGO Movie sequel to be made hence the ending with the toddler-based Lego Duplo toy figures! Just as long as it retains the charm and humor from the 1st movie!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl TV Spot Analysis!

Wow! I am so glad that I waited for this last night! Now who is that Decepticon whose head transforms into a gun that fires a point-blank shot at Optimus Prime (dead (again since ROTF?)? I hope not!)? Is it Lockdown (transforms into a black 2014 Lamborghini Aventador)? Did I also see the Decepticon (the bot who turns into an Argosy Freightliner truck (?) - human-made?) that slices a red Chevy car? The flying two-headed Pteradactyl-like Dinobot (Swoop? Strafe?) flying in to grab Bumblebee? And is that Crosshairs (the green 2014 Chevy Corvette Autobot) shooting at the Decepticon ships (rebuilt by "evil" humans after DOTM?) left and right? Optimus riding on top of Grimlock? Pure awesome!
This had BETTER BE ten times better than Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon (Sentinel "Prime" - "Best TF Movie Villain Ever"? Yeah, right) and is TRULY on par with the 1st TF film! Just make sure that not every human scenes (especially the humor - now over-the-top since TF2) are going "way overboard" like in the last two! Please make the main villain A DECEPTICON (NOT mainly a human like Kelsey Grammer)! But at least now there's NO MORE SHIA LABEOUF (YES!)! Just please make Mark Wahlberg a completely mature human character and NOT have the same acting as Daniel Lugo (acting like a "douche" to Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie or anyone onscreen)! Been waiting for this new TF film for so long after Michael Bay's boring Pain & Gain movie last year! Once I am finished with NOVA's spring semester, June 27th here I come! :D